Money for Scrap Metal in Your Backyard

Metal recycling for Burbank California couldn’t be easier. That’s because TM Scrap Metals is located virtually next door to Burbank. In fact it’s a straight shot on Glenoaks Boulevard to our Tuxford Street location in Sun Valley.

Burbank is a famous city–made famous among other things by Johnny Carson when he hosted Tonight Show—and it’s also a city that is home to a lot of motion picture production and post production. Many film related businesses inside of Burbank (and especially the motion picture studios such as Warner Bros.)  Make use of a lot of metal during construction of film sets. Post production companies nowadays use a lot of electronic equipment and editing special-effects. All of these electronics make use of a lot of metal and as technology improves, old equipment is replaced newer more efficient equipment.

Metal recycling Burbank, CA
Metal recycling Burbank, CA

What becomes of that old film or TV equipment or set building material? Well, if it’s in the Burbank area a call to TM Scrap Metals means that old equipment can be recycled. In addition, companies that are upgrading their equipment and getting rid of older versions can actually get money back from a metal recycling company such as us.

Electronics are prime source of metal recycling since most electronic devices make use of copper wire. And it’s one of the highest paying scrap metals. Of course insulated wire such as you might find inside electronic equipment will need to be stripped prior to recycling but on the whole copper wire does pay more than other forms of metal.

It’s not just the motion picture industry it has an abundance of metal that could be recycled. Just about any business in the Burbank area will use significant amount of metal in their daily activities. For some, you can go years, or even decades, making use of same electronics or machinery. But for most there’s always an incentive to upgrade to newer, better, faster or more efficient machinery, necessitating disposal of the old. If you fit into that category and are looking for metal recycling Burbank, choose the metal recycling company with the most trusted name locally. We’re proud that that is us: TM Scrap Metals.

Remember also that we offer mobile recycling so we can come to your Burbank home or office to pick up metal you want to recycle. Call us today see the difference that TM Scrap Metals makes. 818-771-0510.