Where To Recycle in Burbank, CA

Metal Recycling Center Nearby in Sun Valley Your Burbank recycling center is TM Scrap Metals in neighboring Sun Valley. In fact you can’t get any closer to Burbank and still be another city. That’s what makes us so convenient. For Burbank residents or businesses that want to recycle non-ferrous metals for cash, we’re the location […]
Sell Aluminum Cans for Cash in Los Angeles

TM Scrap Metals in Sun Valley is Your Destination Sell aluminum cans for cash? If you’re in the Sun Valley area of Los Angeles (located in the eastern portion of the San Fernando Valley) the location you seek is TM Scrap Metals on Tuxford St. If you’re looking for convenience to Burbank, North Hollywood, Pacoima, […]
Scrap Metal Buyers in L.A. Help Reduce Landfills

Cash for Scrap Also Helps Environment Scrap metal buyers, TM Scrap Metals in Los Angeles, provides more than just cash for scrap metal. Each pound of metal we recycle is one pound that does not go into a landfill. If you check out with the Environmental Protection Agency website and their statistics on landfill use […]
Scrap Metal Dealers Aid Your Bottom Line

L.A. Recycling Center Drives Down Production Cost Los Angeles recycling center TM Scrap Metals can assist businesses by helping to save money on production costs. Sun Valley, California, where TM Scrap Metals is located (on the border of Burbank), is home to several manufacturing companies. These range from medical device manufacturers to aerospace. In each […]