Recycling Aluminum Cans a Popular Pastime
Your local Los Angeles scrap yard, TM Scrap Metals, is the first name in scrap metal recycling. Through our gate pass tons of the most recyclable metals in the world. People who regularly sell scrap metal to a recycling center like ours are well aware of which metals pay the most money and why. However, we have to say that aluminum cans have a special place in our heart and in the hearts of all scrappers around the world. That’s because aluminum cans are ubiquitous. For better or for worse finding aluminum cans to bring the scrap yard is not difficult. Yes, enterprising scrappers may sometimes go to great lengths, searching through trash cans and dumpsters for aluminum cans, but due to some peoples’ propensity to littering, there are plenty of aluminum cans to be found on the ground alone.

One of the things that makes aluminum a great metal to recycle, aside from its abundance is its weight. Aluminum is a very light metal and it’s easy to collect aluminum cans because they take up very little space when crushed. And because it’s such a light, flexible metal it is easy to crush these cans.
While recycling heavier metals such as brass or copper may bring in a greater return, aluminum–in the form of cans–is just so darned omnipresent that even a novice to scrap metal recycling can amass a large pile.
If we look at it from certain perspective, the fact that some people go around collecting cans for recycling is great for the environment. It’s the rare can that will see the inside of a landfill. And because so many aluminum cans are recycled annually and through melting can be turned into brand-new aluminum cans once again, the amount of energy needed to create these products is much less than if aluminum had to be created from scratch. As we have written in earlier scrap metal recycling posts it’s about 90% less energy.
We think scrap metal recycling is a win-win proposition no matter what the metal may be, but as we said there’s a special place in our heart for aluminum, and specifically aluminum cans, that we wanted to make special mention in this article.
Aluminum Cans Scrap Prices
If you’re looking for a Burbank recycling center that handles scrap metals, then TM Scrap Metals will be your top choice. It’s a hop skip and a jump to our location in Sun Valley from anywhere in Burbank. However, even if you’re in Van Nuys or Chatsworth and you’re looking to recycle aluminum, brass, copper–especially large amounts that may be too heavy to move by yourself,–you need only call TM Scrap Metals and take advantage of our mobile recycling service. Got recycling questions? We’ve got answers. Call us at 818-771-0510.