Scrap Metal Recycling in Other Cities Less?

Scrap metal recycling in Los Angeles higher priced than other states? Well, if you’re thinking that you can take that load of scrap copper or scrap aluminum across the border to, say, Arizona or Nevada and get a better rate, forget it. The rates for scrap metal prices are pretty much universal. Check out just about any scrap metal pricing website and they’ll have the latest rates displayed in real time. is a great site for metal prices—not just scrap but precious metals as well. Many scrap metal websites will have live feeds from Kitco on their site to let you know exactly what the going rates are for various metals.

Doing a check of scrap metal pricing in other states (we used KY as an example) you’ll see the rates are pretty much on par with scrap metal recycling rates in Burbank or Los Angeles. Convenience is a key factor is where you will choose to take your scrap metals for recycling so if you’re in Glendale or Burbank you’ll probably just search for “Burbank scrap metal recycling” or “Burbank recycling center.” Odds are TM Scrap Metals is going to be at the top of those search results.

Metal recycling Los Angeles
Metal recycling Los Angeles

Aside from offering competitive prices on metals and location convenience, your scrap metal recycling facility should be professional. The ease of the transaction as well as the speed should be such that you keep coming back to that facility. That’s what TM Scrap Metals is. We pride ourselves on providing recycling rates that are among the best in the San Fernando Valley as well as knowledge and experience to get you paid and out the door with the least amount of effort. We think that’s why our customers continue to use us. We know they’re not going to make that drive to Arizona to recycle (and we admit that scenario was a bit tongue in cheek).