Scrap Metal Recycling For Fun And Profit

Los Angeles’ Best Scrap Metal Buyers Recycling scrap metal can be a profitable enterprise. Just ask us! We wouldn’t be in the scrap metal business and for so many years if it weren’t a lucrative undertaking. We here at TM Scrap Metals have been doing this for a long time and have become one of […]
Stainless Steel Scrap Pricing Differs Based on Location

China Uses Less, Uses Different System Stainless steel scrap is an item we regularly see in our Los Angeles metal recycling yard. As we detailed in earlier metal recycling posts one of the values stainless steel is that other metals such as nickel can be gotten from it during the recycling process. Here in the […]
Best Scrap Metal Prices

Burbank Scrap Metal Yard Pays Cash for Scrap Scrap metal prices are always on the mind of our local scrappers. We get scrap from all over the San Fernando Valley and with our mobile recycling option we can come to any location around Los Angeles. But Burbank scrap metal recyclers know about us since we’re […]
Stainless Steel Scrap Prices

Los Angeles Recycling Center Pays Cash for Scrap “Stainless steel scrap prices” is a popular search on Google. A few thousand people search for this term each month. It’s not hard to determine why. Although a common metal stainless steel is important invaluable because it’s made up other metals that in and of themselves are […]
The Most Valuable Scrap Metals To Recycle for Cash

Los Angeles is always undergoing construction renovation during these processes there are a lot of materials used that contain metal. Not every inch of the material going to be used in the construction process which means that there is probably going to be some leftover metal that can be sold for scrap. Some of these […]