Where Does Scrap Metal End Up?

New Ingot Production Plant Will Increase Demand As recent article in Recycling Today talks about the plan by the European company Hydro (part of Norsk Hydro, based in Norway) to open an ingot plant in Michigan. The facility in Eastern Michigan would, of course, mean more jobs for the industry in the state which is […]
Scrappers of Burbank Unite!

At San Fernando Valley’s Favorite Scrap Metal Buyers Scrappers of Burbank: there’s a lot going on in your town. We see the progress every time we venture outside the confines of our scrap metal recycling center here in Sun Valley. A cruise down I-5 and we can see the progress on the Burbank Blvd bridge […]
COVID Effects on Los Angeles Recycling Centers

Scrap Metal Recycling Unaffected at TM Scrap Metals Los Angeles recycling centers apparently suffered greatly during the height of the coronavirus outbreak. Back in December the Los Angeles times published an article detailing the trials and tribulations of the recycling industry in the Southland. While the result of the Coronavirus was that many scrap metal […]
Aluminum Rims Scrap Prices

Extra Cash in Your Pocket for Discarded Metal Aluminum rims for scrap can be a great way to pick up some extra cash. If you’re new to scrap metal recycling you may think the only things you can really recycle are aluminum cans or plastic or glass bottles. That’s just the tip of the iceberg […]
Nearest Recycling Center Los Angeles

As Close As Your Phone We’re the L.A. recycling center that’s closer to you than any other. How is that possible? Simple. That’s because TM Scrap Metals has a mobile recycling service. Just what is that? Well, no matter where you are located in Los Angeles, you can merely give us a call and we […]
Romex Wire Recycling in Los Angeles

TM Scrap Metals Takes All Kinds Romex wire recycling is a subject we’ve written about before when we talked about stripping wires prior to recycling for scrap. However, we did not go into detail about the types of wire that people bring to our Los Angeles recycling center. While we alluded to all types of […]
Recycling Center Near Me?

In L.A. That’s TM Scrap Metals “Recycling center near me” is a popular search on the internet. We know because that’s how a lot of people find us online. We did some research and in Los Angeles County there are approximately 33,000 searches per month for that term. That tells us that a LOT of […]
The Recycling Process for Metals

Something Old Becomes New Again Recycling centers such as TM Scrap Metals have a system in place to quickly and efficiently recycle the various metals our customers bring to us. Others have codified this process such as this small business website that does a good job of explaining the steps, but in brief, metal recycling […]
Los Angeles Recycling Center Radius

TM Scrap Metals Reaches All Parts of the Southland Scrap metal recycling in Los Angeles is a multimillion dollar industry. You might not think it to look at a run of the mill recycling center. After all, we’re dealing with scrap and turning an old metal object into metal that’s ready for recycling is not […]
Scrap Metal Recycling Near Me

Helps to Offset Carbon Emissions Scrap metal recycling near you is a good idea for a variety of reasons. We already have several posts about the benefits of recycling scrap metal and specifically for those individuals and businesses in Los Angeles. There is another item that we have not yet mentioned and that is that […]